The Junior League of Montgomery (JLM) will hold a prospective member open house on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. at its League headquarters, 3570 Carter Hill Road, Montgomery, AL 36111. This informational session will provide potential new members with an opportunity to meet current members as well as ask questions about the organization. The session will elaborate on JLM's mission to develop the potential of its members in terms of leadership, learning new skills, and community service.
For details about the open house session and to learn more about the Junior League of Montgomery visit our website at You may also find us on Facebook at and on Instagram at @juniorleagueofmontgomery.
The Junior League of Montgomery is an organization committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. The Montgomery Junior League is composed of nearly 800 members who donate approximately 20,000 hours of volunteer services annually. The dramatic success of the League's annual fundraisers has made possible a financial commitment to the Montgomery area that has totaled well over a million dollars in the last ten years alone. Proceeds raised by the Junior League of Montgomery support their work in the community through projects that improve the quality of life for families and children.
For other questions regarding the Provisional Member Open House or media inquiries, please contact Kathleen Penney