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    Giving Beyond the Bank Account

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    Come Together

    With a focus on collaboration, the River Region United Way is emphasizing the “United” half of its name in a new approach to supporting solutions that address community needs.

    In recent years, the River Region United Way (RRUW) has adjusted its approach to how it funds needed services in the area. “We are encouraging collaboration and problem solving,” said Ron Simmons, who was named President and Chief Executive Officer in July 2020.

    That’s the broad description for how the nonprofit wants to help community partners make an impact in the RRUW footprint, which includes Autauga, Elmore, Lowndes, Macon and Montgomery counties. The specifics come from information gathered from the communities themselves. “In order to solve problems, you have to identify what the problems are,” Simmons said. “Those problems are identified through surveys and other methods that are called needs assessments.”

    The needs assessment is then provided to community partners, which includes 40-plus affiliate agencies and other county, municipal or nonprofit organizations, that offer programs that address these areas. As they review the report, partners are able to identify what they can do to meet the need, then apply for funding. “We look for community partners that have the programs—that’s the key—that can help us solve those problems,” Simmons said. “Instead of funding the agency, we fund the programs that agencies have either built or already have in place that can address those needs.”

    From 2017-2019, RRUW conducted annual community needs assessments in the five counties but was unable to do so in 2020 because of COVID-19 restrictions. Instead, the agency released a three-year compilation in the form of the 2020 Comprehensive Community Needs Assessment. The report identifies prevalent community needs throughout the entire River Region, with a focus on these specific areas: health, education, financial stability and basic needs.

    The needs in the counties may be the same, Simmons noted, but not necessarily have the same level of importance. “You may have one county where transportation is going to be higher on the list than it is in Montgomery County because we have public transportation,” Simmons said. “If you live in a county that’s 40 miles away from a hospital, transportation is going to be very high on the list.” Similarly, food disparity may vary, especially in areas where people live some distance from a grocery store.

    The emphasis on collaboration is also central to the current approach. One reason to encourage collaboration, Simmons explained, is because community partners with great programs may be working in silos. “You can solve the problem or move the needle a lot faster or have greater collective impact if you work in partnership,” he said.

    For example, an agency may offer a reading program—which fits within the education emphasis. “The issues you have in the school, you’re going to have in that reading program,” Simmons said. This could include transportation to and from the programs, accommodations for children with disabilities attending the program, and meals or snacks for the young learners. Several agencies could bring their part of the solutions to the table, then collaborate together and “work to solve a collective problem.”

    The benefits of collaboration and problem-solving also apply to giving campaigns and donor outreach. “Fundraising efforts will be better because we can point to the problem,” Simmons said. Then, when it’s time for the Allocations Committee—a group of volunteer financial professionals—to make decisions about funding, they do so based on the needs assessment. “At the same time, the Allocations Committee can make recommendations for one agency to partner with another,” Simmons said.

    In one example of collaboration, the RRUW offered a grant to community partners who could provide a mobile food pantry to communities in a food desert. One community partner wrote a proposal based on the purchase of a school bus that was retrofitted with a refrigeration system. RRUW connected them with a food supplier, then looked to other partners to provide volunteers to deliver the food and load it on the bus. “It took a collaborative effort of more than one or two agencies,” Simmons said. As volunteers go out in several different townships, he said, “You have fresh produce and fresh food going into the community that did not have access to that.”

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    Giving Beyond the Bank Account

    When businesses support nonprofits, they often send funds. Just as importantly, they also send their teams to lend a hand. A great example is found in the numerous businesses who supply volunteers each week to help the Montgomery Area Council on Aging package meals and deliver them to seniors in the Meals On Wheels program. “MACOA is able to continue to provide life-sustaining services to seniors due, in part, to the strong relationships we have built with area businesses,” said Development Coordinator Amy Dennis.

    Team members from MAX, for example, typically volunteer with the Meal Makers program twice a month or more. Volunteers spend time in the mornings packaging meals for seniors that will be picked up by route drivers for midday delivery. The MAX team also fills in on Meals On Wheels routes when needed. “Our team members really like to get out and help with the community,” said Carrie Rauch, MAX Director of Communications and Brand Engagement. “We’re committed to trying to do good work in our community and make it a better place.”

    “We’re here to give back,” echoed Jamie Brown, MAX Vice President of Relationship Development. “I’m so thankful that my organization allows us to do that.”

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    Nice to Meet You

    There’s no “I” in any nonprofit team, but to successfully accomplish its mission, there must be a leader. Montgomery’s nonprofits are blessed with executive directors and others in top spots who steer the ships, guide the giving and prove that compassion and care are bountiful in the capital city. Meet a few of these nonprofit heads here.  

    Service Dogs Alabama, Frances McGowin, Service Dogs Alabama

    Tommy McKinnon, The Baptist Health Foundation

    Carol Gunter, Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama

    Stacia Robinson, Montgomery Rotary Club

    Thomas Rains, The Johnson Institute

    Patrick Wood, Jackson Hospital Foundation

    Donna Marietta, Montgomery Area Council on Aging

    Jason Gardner, Kiwanis Club of Montgomery

    Ron Simmons, River Region United Way

    Jannah Bailey, Child Protect

    Susan Segrest, Central Alabama Aging Consortium

    Billy Irvin, Faith Radio, WLBF

    Beth Zaiontz, Triumph Services

    John Bowman, Hope Inspired Ministries

    Charles Lee, That’s My Child

    Steve Duer, AGAPE of Central Alabama

    Marie Wise Styles, Jr. League Montgomery

    Jenny Savage, Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind

    Marc Williams, The Learning Tree

    Ghandi Daniels, The Wellness Coalition

    Joy Blondheim, Joy To Life

    Vic Wilson, Ed. D., Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools

    Katie Jeter, Children First

    Gilbert Darrington, Health Services Inc.

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    Non-Profit Chamber Members

    21 Dreams Arts & Culture – 21dreamsmgm.org

    A+ Education Partnership – aplusala.org

    A-KEEP (Alabama-Korea Education and Economic Partnership) – akeep.org

    AARP Alabama – aarp.org/al

    AGAPE – agapeforchildren.org

    Alabama Association for Justice – alabamajustice.org

    Alabama Association of Independent Colleges & Universities – aaicu.net

    Alabama Association of Nonprofits – alabamanonprofits.org

    Alabama Association of Realtors – alabamarealtors.com

    Alabama Baseball Coaches Association – alabca.org

    Alabama Cattlemen’s Association – bamabeef.org

    Alabama Civil Rights Tourism Association- civilrightstourism.org

    Alabama High School Athletic Association – ahsaa.com

    Alabama Hospital Association – alaha.org

    Alabama Independent School Association – aisaonline.org

    Alabama Institute for Deaf & Blind – aidb.org

    Alabama Network of Children's Advocacy Centers, Inc. - alabamacacs.org

    Alabama Nursing Home Association - anha.org

    Alabama Retail Association - alabamaretail.org

    Alabama Rural Electric Association of Cooperatives - areapower.coop

    Alabama Rural Water Association - alruralwater.com

    Alabama Sheriff’s Association - alabamasheriffs.com

    Alabama Society of CPA’s - ascpa.org

    Alabama State Bar - alabar.org

    Alabama Technology Foundation - alabamatechnologyfoundation.org

    Alabama Technology Network -atn.org

    Alabama Tourism Department - tourism.alabama.gov

    Alabama Trucking Association - alabamatrucking.org

    Alabama Wildlife Federation, Inc. - alabamawildlife.org

    Alabama World Affairs Council - alwac.org

    Alzheimer's Association - alz.org

    American Cancer Society - cancer.org

    American Heart Association - heart.org/en/affiliates/alabama/montgomery

    Baptist Health Care Foundation - baptistfoundation.org

    Business Council of Alabama - bcatoday.org

    Camellia Bowl -camelliabowl.com

    Central Alabama Aging Consortium -centralalabamaaging.org

    Central Alabama Community Foundation - cacfinfo.org

    Central Alabama Crime Stoppers - 215stop.com

    Central Alabama Works! -centralalabamaworks.com

    Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama - alabamachambers.org

    Child Protect - childprotect.org

    Children First - alabamachildrenfirst.com

    Coosa-Alabama River Improvement Association, Inc. - caria.org

    Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools - clasleaders.org

    Council on Substance Abuse - cosancadd.org

    Dexter Avenue King Memorial Legacy Center -dexterkingmemorial.org/about/legacy-center

    Disability as an Ability Toward Success: Moms on the Move - datsmom.org

    Disabled American Veterans -dav.org

    Economic Development Partnership of Alabama - edpa.org

    Faith Radio WLBF - faithradio.org

    Family Guidance Center - familyguidancecenter.org

    Family Sunshine Center - familysunshine.org

    Gathering of Eagles Foundation - goefoundation.org

    Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama Inc. - girlscoutssa.org

    Goodwill Industries of Central Alabama - algoodwill.org

    Greater Montgomery Home Builders Association - gmhba.org

    Hispanic Outreach Leadership & Action (HOLA) - holamontgomery.org

    Home Builders Association of Alabama - hbaa.org

    Hope Inspired Ministries, Inc. - hopeinspiredministries.org

    Jackson Hospital Foundation - jackson.org/foundation

    Kiwanis Club of Montgomery

    Joy To Life Foundation - liveheregivehere.org

    Leadership Montgomery -leadershipmontgomery.org

    Leading Ladies of Legacy, Inc. - leadingladiesoflegacy.org

    Liberty Learning Foundation - libertylearning.org

    Manufacture Alabama - manufacturealabama.org

    Medical Association of the State of Alabama - alamedical.org

    Medical Society of Montgomery County, Montgomery AFCEA - montgomerymedicine.org

    Montgomery Area Association of Realtors - alamls.com

    Montgomery Area Business Committee for the Arts - mabca.org

    Montgomery Area Council on Aging - macoa.org

    Montgomery Area Food Bank - montgomeryareafoodbank.org

    Montgomery Baptist Association - mgmbaptists.org

    Montgomery Bicycle Club - mgmbikeclub.org

    Montgomery Capital Rotary Club, Inc. - montgomerycapitalrotary.org

    Montgomery CARES-100 Black Men Connection - montgomery100.org

    Montgomery Chapter, Military Officers Association of America - macmoaa.org

    Montgomery Education Foundation - montgomeryed.org

    Montgomery Humane Society - montgomeryhumane.com

    Montgomery Rotary Club - montgomeryrotaryclub.com

    Montgomery’s Downtown Business Association - dbamontgomery.org

    Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc. - mda.org

    NAMI Alabama - NAMIAlabama.org

    National Association of Social Workers - Alabama Chapter - naswal.org

    Nikki Mitchell Foundation - nikkimitchellfoundation.org

    Pens Up Guns Down - pensupgunsdown.org

    Public Relations Council of Alabama-Montgomery Chapter - prcamontgomery.org

    Renascence, Inc. - halfway-home.net

    River Region Apartment Association - rraaonline.org

    River Region United Way - riverregionunitedway.org

    S.A.F.Y. of America, Inc. - safy.org

    Salvation Army - salvationarmyalm.org/Montgomery

    School Superintendents of Alabama - ssaonline.org

    Serquest - facebook.com/myserquest

    Service Dogs Alabama - ServiceDogsAlabama.org

    Sun Belt Conference - sunbeltsports.org

    That's My Child - thatsmychildmgm.org

    The American Legion - alegional.org

    The Arts Council of Montgomery - artscouncilmontgomery.org

    The Baptist Foundation of Alabama - tbfa.org

    The Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama - cancerwellnessfoundation.org

    The Dannon Project - dannonproject.org

    The Ivy Foundation of Montgomery, Inc. - ivyfoundationmontgomery.org

    The Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Institute - thejohnsoninstitute.org

    The King’s Canvas - thekingscanvas.org

    The Learning Tree, Inc - learning-tree.org

    The University of Alabama System - uasystem.ua.edu

    The Wellness Coalition -thewellnesscoalition.org

    Triumph Services, Inc. - triumphservices.org

    Tukabatchee Area Council/Boy Scouts of America, Inc. - tukabatcheebsa.org

    United Cerebral Palsy of Central Alabama - ucpalabama.org

    United Methodist Children's Home - umch.net

    Women of Refined Gold, Inc. - womenofrefinedgold.org

    YMCA of Greater Montgomery - ymcamontgomery.org

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    Agape of Central Alabama

    Mission: As a ministry of Jesus Christ, Agape’s mission is that vulnerable children find permanency in safe, nurturing families.

    Background: Since 1978, Agape and the foster and adoptive parents who partner with us have ministered to vulnerable children and expectant mothers in crisis.

    Brag lines: Because of the support of the individuals, businesses and churches in the River Region, we have seen a 76 percent increase in the number of children served in our foster care programs. There are still more children referred than we can serve. Won’t you help us impact more children?

    Upcoming Events: Connecting Hearts Benefit Dinner – February 22, 2022 – connectinghearts.org; 12th Annual Run For A Mom 5K/10K/Family Fun Run - May 7, 2022 – runforamom.org

    Contact Us:
    334-272-9466 / agapeforchildren.org

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    Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind 

    Mission: To prepare individuals to reach their limitless potential by providing superior staff, facilities, training and programs.

    Background: The AIDB Montgomery Regional Center is part of a statewide network of regional centers that provide early intervention to infants, toddlers and their families; services to school-age children in local public schools; and adult services that range from assistive technology and transportation to independent living training, Braille instruction and sign language classes. AIDB Regional Centers are places where miracles happen, where students and clients reach well beyond their expectations, and places where “What if?” becomes “I can.”

    Brag Lines:

    • AIDB’s Regional Centers offer a lifelong continuum of services for people with hearing and vision loss – from infants and toddlers to senior citizens.
    • In homes and communities across the state, AIDB provides services such as early intervention, counseling, interpreting, transportation and other daily living and adjustment programs.
    • The Alabama Industries for the Blind employs more than 200 blind and deaf adults in a diverse manufacturing facility that produces a variety of items including paper goods, flight bags screen printing, mops and all military neckties for the U.S. Armed Forces.
    • AIDB operates supply stores at military bases in Alabama and Georgia.

    Upcoming Events: American Sign Language Classes and educational programs are scheduled throughout the year. Visit aidb.org for dates.

    Contact Us:
    334-262-0824 / aidb.org

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    Baptist Health Care Foundation

    Mission: The Baptist Health Care Foundation develops resources that support Baptist Health’s ministry in providing the best quality healthcare services and programs to the people of Central Alabama.

    Background: Since 1972, the Baptist Health Care Foundation has been the recipient of gifts that have assisted Baptist Health in providing comprehensive healthcare for the citizens of Central Alabama. Gifts received have also touched lives in other meaningful ways including scholarships, hospice care, employee emergency benevolence and more.

    Wish List: Montgomery Cancer Center and Baptist Health are bringing cancer screenings and education where they’re needed most with the Montgomery Cancer Center’s Driving HOPE Mobile Cancer Screening Unit. Addressing the healthcare needs of residents in 12 mostly rural counties, this new 37-foot mobile unit will provide underserved communities with life-saving cancer screening services. This state-of-the-art mobile unit will perform screenings, outreach, prevention and education, in addition to patient navigation services that manage treatment plans and foster a caring environment. The Driving HOPE Mobile Unit will also be available for more than 150 annual Baptist Health community events.

    How to give: Visit baptistfoundation.org to donate today and help bring HOPE to Central Alabama’s residents with the least access to cancer education and prevention resources.

    Contact Us:
    334-747-4567 / baptistfoundation.org

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    Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central Alabama

    Mission: To provide supportive services, educational services and assistance to cancer patients throughout Central Alabama, including those patients who lack the resources necessary to otherwise receive comprehensive healthcare.

    Background: The Cancer Wellness Foundation was founded in 1997 by three oncologists who saw a need for support of cancer patients and their families once they received a cancer diagnosis.

    Brag Lines:

    • In 2020, the Cancer Wellness Foundation provided $21,921,765 in total assistance with medications through our Patient Advocacy program.
    • $87,854 – Retail value of Well-Card Program
    • $1,424,557 – Co-Pay Assistance from foundations
    • $20,409,353 – Free drug program through manufacturers
    • Provided 498 patients with transportation assistance and 5,750 (unique) rides for patients to the Cancer Center.
    • Provided $106,884 in transportation assistance, including gas vouchers.
    • Provided 1200-plus Chemo Comfort Bags to new patients.
    • Provided free wigs to more than a dozen patients.
    • Purchased 2,184 bottles of Ensure and Boost to assist with nutrition needs.
    • Provided 28 breast cancer patients with lymphedema compression products.
    • Winner of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce’s 2020 MGM Impact Maker in the Non-Profit Category.

    Wish List: Chemo Comfort Care Bags (thermometers, tissues, crossword puzzles, hard candy, socks, blankets, chap stick, lotion)

    Upcoming Events: Cancer Awareness T-Shirt Campaign – September; Beat the Odds Casino Night & Drawdown – October 21; Holidays of Hope - December

    Contact Us:
    334-273-2279 / cancerwellnessfoundation.org

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    Central Alabama Aging Consortium

    Mission: To develop, coordinate and support services in the communities in our service area that promote an active and independent lifestyle where those we serve can live and thrive.

    Background: CAAC is the Area Agency on Aging for Autauga, Elmore and Montgomery counties. The agency was formed in 1975 and is part of a statewide aging network that provides a variety of home and community based services to the elderly and disabled in our service area.

    Brag Lines: CAAC was recently notified that the Administration for Community Living has awarded the agency a $987,743 grant for an Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative program. Stay tuned for new services we will be providing under this grant to individuals with dementia and their caregivers.

    CAAC continues to provide a variety of services to the elderly and disabled. Contact us to see how we can help you.

    Contact Us:
    334-240-4680 / centralalabamaaging.org

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    Child Protect

    Mission: The mission of Child Protect is to interview, counsel, and be an advocate for children when there are allegations of abuse.

    Brag Lines: In March 2020 when the COVID-19 Pandemic started shutting down our country, it affected us all in one way or another. As adults, most of us we were able to adapt and find a way to continue business not as usual, but as the “new” normal. The children in our community faced challenges that left them more vulnerable. Not only were they missing the academics and socialization that school offers, they were also put more at risk for being victims of abuse.

    Child Protect saw a 42-percent increase in the number of forensic interviews and an 83-percent increase in the number of counseling clients in comparison to the previous year. Our agency saw more children who had witnessed domestic violence and other traumatic events than ever before.

    Throughout these challenging times, Child Protect also witnessed an overwhelming amount of support from the community of these children we serve. We, in turn, were able to serve the increased number of child abuse victims and look at our own self-care. We realized that we couldn’t continue caring for the children if we didn’t care for ourselves.

    So, despite some of the saddest cases that we have dealt with over the past year, we are grateful to have had the chance to step back and re-examine our own mental health and take care of ourselves. In doing so, we are now able to continue to provide those much-needed services to the least of these in our community.

    Upcoming Events: Swingin’ Fore Kids Golf Tournament at RTJ Capitol Hill - Friday, October 29; Barrel of Blues - Thursday, April 28, 2022

    Wish List: Financial donations of any size help Child Protect with the day-to-day operations and extra items that a child(ren) may need.


    • Walmart, Sam’s, Costco, Target and gas cards
    • Copy paper
    • Toilet paper
    • Paper towels
    • Individually packaged snacks
    • Bottled water
    • Box drinks
    • Colors and coloring books
    • Journals

    Contact Us:
    334-262-1220 / childprotect.org

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    Children First

    Mission: Children First is a non-profit, non-partisan diverse group of statewide leaders who serve as the driving force to shape public policy and enhance the quality of life for the children and families of Alabama through advocacy, awareness and accountability.

    Contact Us:
    334-604-1043 / alabamachildrenfirst.com

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    Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools

    Mission: The mission of the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools is to coordinate and facilitate the resources of all members for the advancement of public education.

    Brag Lines:

    • CLAS is the only Alabama association founded by administrators for administrators.
    • We provide professional learning, legal services, communications, advocacy, networking, and rewards/recognition programs for over 4,000 members statewide.
    • CLAS is the premier professional organization for school leaders in Alabama. With 12 affiliates, CLAS offers a professional organization for every type of school administrator.

    Background: Since 1969, the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS) has focused on children, while providing high-quality professional learning and other needs for schools and school system administrators. As Alabama’s premier school leader organization, CLAS represents more than 4,000 members. We work every day to help improve K-12 public education by providing exemplary services for administrators. CLAS serves 12 different affiliate organizations representing each type of administrator in Alabama’s public schools and school systems.

    Wish List: Join our Corporate Partnership program to gain valuable access to the education community through events, networking opportunities and specially designed sponsorship programs.

    Contact Us:
    800-239-3616 / 334-265-3610 / clasleaders.org

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    Faith Radio WLBF

    Mission: Faith Radio’s mission is to serve the Christian community and strengthen the local church and family unit as we provide spiritual encouragement and a personal challenge with a Christ-centered focus through Biblical teaching, relevant information and uplifting music to the Glory of God.

    Brag Lines: The many testimonies of listeners whose lives have been tremendously touched and their faith in Jesus Christ strengthened through our commercial-free programming. Helping unite our community and churches to pray together for our city, state, and country. We have blessed many lonely, grieving and hurting people during this most extraordinary year.


    • Financial gifts to support our Christ-centered broadcasts
    • Special monetary donations to help update our technology

    Contact Us:
    334-271-8900 / faithradio.org

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    Hope Inspired Ministries

    Mission: Hope Inspired Ministries serves those who are chronically unemployed by preparing and equipping them to obtain, maintain and excel at employment.

    Contact Us:
    334-649-4330/ hopeinspiredministries.org

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    Jackson Hospital Foundation

    Mission: For more than four decades, The Jackson Hospital Foundation’s mission has been to serve as an instrument to assist, advance and strengthen Jackson Hospital in its ministry of healing; in its service as a health center for its community; in its provision of the best education possible for students in the various health fields; and in all related health and humanitarian endeavors.

    News: Over the years, philanthropic dollars raised by the Foundation have helped fund numerous projects at the hospital. This year, following Jackson Hospital’s mission of “improving the health of all members of our community,” we continue to grow with the opening of the Jackson Wellness Center in the building previously occupied by Metro Fitness.

    The Jackson Wellness Center is the only wellness center in the area backed by hospital and clinic resources that provides community membership focused on an individual’s whole health and wellness and incorporates outpatient services supporting those health goals of individuals and their referring physician. Members and patients of the facility will be inspired to understand their wellness goals, track their progress and celebrate the results of a healthier life and lifestyle. We provide adults of varying fitness levels a method of achieving optimal health through individualized fitness programs, personal training and tailored fitness plans designed to the fitness goal prescribed by their Jackson Hospital & Clinic provider. And with one medical record, your provider can monitor your fitness progress.

    Through cardiovascular exercise, strength training and specialty classes, members can increase productivity, manage chronic conditions and improve general health.

    Upcoming Events: Blasting Through P.A.D. Clay Shoot at Lower Wetumpka Shotgun Sports Club - October 29; Montgomery Mustache Run – November; Midtown Gets Haute at Wynlakes Country Club - May 2022; Swinging Fore Healthcare Golf event at Wynlakes Country Club - August 2022

    Contact Us:
    334-293-6940 / jackson.org/foundation

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    Kiwanis Club of Montgomery

    Mission: Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time.

    Background: The Kiwanis Club of Montgomery was founded in 1919 and has helped improve the lives of countless children in the River Region area. With more than 200 members, the Club is one of the largest Kiwanis clubs in the world. The Alabama National Fair was founded as its signature fundraiser in 1954, and while the Fair provides area families with fun, its primary purpose is to raise money for nonprofit agencies that support children in need in the River Region area. Since 1955, the Fair has helped the Kiwanis Club give more than $9.5 million to these agencies. In 2021, the Club was able to donate $235,000 to the children in the River Region.

    Upcoming Events: Please join us for the Alabama National Fair October 8-17, 2021, at Garrett Coliseum.

    Contact Us:

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    Montgomery Area Council on Aging

    Mission: The Montgomery Area Council On Aging assists senior citizens by providing services to promote independent living, by offering opportunities to enhance quality of life, and by increasing community awareness of senior issues.

    Brag lines: In June of 2021, MACOA began a new Meals on Wheels route, The Northern Route, serving meals to 12 seniors in North Montgomery. Meals on Wheels now serves 416 homebound seniors a hot, nutritious meal every weekday.

    Wishlist: MACOA is always in need of volunteers to deliver meals to seniors! Consider having your business, church or organization involved by becoming a Corporate Route Partner. Corporate Route Partners commit to deliver meals at least twice a month. This is a great way to give back to the community and promote team building. Please reach out to MACOA if you are interested in volunteering. We would love to partner with you, ensuring that no senior goes hungry.

    Contact Us:
    334-263-0532 / macoa.org

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    River Region United Way

    Mission: The mission of River Region United Way is to improve lives and strengthen our communities by identifying needs and solving critical problems.

    Background: Along with our ongoing work in health, education, financial stability and basic needs, River Region United Way is announcing a Bold Goal Initiative – a community-wide effort to increase reading proficiency levels across the River Region. Third-grade reading is a critical academic benchmark that our communities cannot afford to ignore. A student’s ability to read at the end of third grade is a strong predictor of that child’s future success in school and the career opportunities awaiting them after they graduate. Together, we can change the trajectory of many of our children’s lives by prioritizing investments into and aligning the region’s collective educational efforts from birth toward a common goal and shared vision.

    It’s going to take all of us – working together – to achieve this Bold Goal for our communities!


    • Ron Simmons, IOM, President and CEO
    • Dr. W. Rhea Ingram, Chair of the Board of Directors
    • Krystal Floyd, Chair-Elect of the Board of Directors
    • Garrysa Caffey, Community Impact Council Chair
    • Dr. Mike Williams, 2021 Campaign Chair
    • Drew Moore, Allocations Committee Chair

    Proudly serving the following counties:

    • Autauga
    • Elmore
    • Lowndes
    • Macon
    • Montgomery

    Contact Us:
    To learn more or to join us, call 334-264-7318 or visit RRUW.org/BoldGoal
    3121 Zelda Court, Montgomery

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    Service Dogs Alabama

    Mission: Service Dogs Alabama (SDA) is dedicated to providing medical and psychological assistance dogs to children, adults, and veterans with disabilities, as well as Facility Intervention Dogs for schools and courtrooms.

    Background: SDA was founded in 2010 as K-9 4 Kids and received their independent 501(c)(3) in March 2015. SDA has developed a state-of-theart training complex (Guice Slawson Training Complex); built an additional kennel facility to complete finishing training in Madison County; created a prison-based dog training initiative consisting of 70 inmates; and implemented a School Dog program. SDA is certified by Assistance Dogs International (ADI), the world-wide authority that sets the gold standards for training and placing service and facility intervention dogs. More than 80 dogs have been placed with qualified individuals/facilities throughout Alabama.

    Contact Us:
    334-676-3733 / servicedogsalabama.org

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    That's My Child

    Mission: To mentor the youth through arts, education and work-force development ending hopelessness and generational poverty within our community.

    Contact Us:
    334-239-7434/ thatsmychildmgm.org

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    The Johnson Institute

    Our Work: Inspired by Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. and his loyalty to the United States Constitution, the Institute fosters knowledge of the Constitution, the independent judicial system it created and our ongoing pursuit of a more perfect union.

    Brag Lines: Since its founding in 2019 by admirers of Judge Frank Johnson, the Institute has helped arrange and host more than 1,000 visitors in the historic Frank Johnson Courthouse and “America’s Courtroom” in downtown Montgomery. The courthouse is one of Montgomery’s U.S. Civil Rights Trail sites. Last summer the Institute kicked off its Scholars program, hosting workshops on civics education to teach about the U.S. Constitution and the judiciary. The Institute is recording oral histories of people who knew Judge Johnson or were affected by his landmark Constitutional rulings.

    Contact Us: Visit thejohnsoninstitute.org to learn more, support us and schedule a tour to see where some of the country’s most significant Civil Rights court cases were decided.

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    The Learning Tree

    Mission: The mission is to provide a warm and loving environment with individualized, empirically validated services and supports for children with significant educational, medical and behavioral challenges, helping them develop and maintain a quality of life expected by non-disabled members of their family and community.

    Background: The Learning Tree was founded in 1983 to provide educational and residential services for children and adolescents with developmental disabilities, including autism.

    Today, more than 700 children and families are served each year from across Alabama. Expanded services now also provide Preschool services, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Clinics, and Consultation and Outreach Services.

    Upcoming Events: 8th Annual “Angling for Autism” Bass Fishing Tournament at Wind Creek State Park on October 9.

    Contact Us:
    334-252-0025 / learning-tree.org / sweldon@learning-tree.org

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    The Wellness Coalition

    Mission: To provide health and wellness programs to businesses and residents in Montgomery, Macon, Lowndes, Elmore and Autauga counties.

    Background: The Wellness Coalition was established when a group of healthcare providers came together to work on improving healthcare for persons with chronic diseases and little or no health insurance. Our Board Member Organizations include the major “safety net” healthcare providers— those serving underserved persons in five counties of Alabama’s River Region.

    Brag Lines:

    • Established the River Region’s first CDC-recognized Diabetes Prevention Program, “Change Your Lifestyle. Change Your Life” (CYL2), in partnership with the Black Women’s Health Imperative, and helped 70 percent of program participants meet or exceed the program goal of losing 5-7 percent of their body weight.
    • Spearheaded AstraZeneca HealthCare Foundation’s Connections for Cardiovascular HealthSM HeartLink program.
    • Developed a COVID street team to go door-to-door to educate residents and dispel myths about COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines.

    Wishlist: The Wellness Coalition is looking for businesses in Montgomery, Macon, Lowndes, Autauga and Elmore counties who are interested in:

    • Providing our CDC-recognized wellness program to employees as a benefit. Diabetes imposes a significant economic burden on employers, particularly when including productivity costs.
    • Assistance and guidance in creating lactation breaks and spaces for your employees.

    Contact Us:

    334-293-6502 / thewellnesscoalition.org

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    Triumph Services

    Mission: Our mission is twofold: to assist individuals in their efforts to live independently and to educate the public on the gifts and strengths of people who have developmental disabilities.

    Contact Us:
    205-581-1000 / triumphservices.org

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