• The Art of Conversation

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    Name: The Art of Conversation
    Date: October 4, 2018
    Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
    Event Description:
    How many conversations do you have in 24 hours? What if I told you that every conversation you have in that 24 hour window creates a unique piece of art that is a direct reflection of you?
    Would you be proud of the vocal art - the conversations - you had? We are all artists, and in and through every conversation, we create art. Yet we spend little time considering how we have conversations which leaves most of us creating mediocre or reckless art.
    What would happen to your business, team, leadership, and relationships if we engaged one another in intentional conversations?

    Speaker Jonathan Parker will be in Montgomery for an exclusive limited engagement and will leave you empowered with practical principles and takeaways to incorporate into every conversation you have during the day.

    This is a BYOB - bring your own brown bag – lunch event. Beverages will be provided.

    Please email R.S.V.P to Lisa McGinty - lmcginty@montgomerychamber.com or Dava Hornbeak - dhornbeak@montgomerychamber.com OR call us by phone 334-832-4790.
    Event Media:
    Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce 
    Business Resource Cneter 
    600 S. Court Street 
    Montgoemry, AL 36104
    Date/Time Information:
    October 4, 2018
    12:00 PM-1:00 PM 
    Contact Information:
    Lisa McGinty
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.

  • Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce
    600 S. Court St, P.O. Box 79
    Montgomery, Alabama 36101
    Tel: 334.834.5200   Fax: 334.265.4745

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